



香港理工大學 酒店及旅遊業管理博士




  1. 國立暨南國際大學教學績優獎 (111學年)
  2. 國立暨南國際大學教學績優獎 (109學年)
  3. 亞洲大學休閒遊憩管理學系助理教授
  4. 亞洲現代美術館行銷組組長
  5. 國立台中科技大學休閒事業經營學系兼任講師


  1. Huang, S. Liang, L.J., Choi, H and Pang, S.F.H. (2023). Canadians' travel knowledge acquisition during the pandemic: A cognitive mediation model approach. Family and Consumer Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1111/fcsr.12480
  2. 曾永平、黃玉琴*、龎鳳嫺、羅宣儀(2020)。陸客眼中的臺灣夜市傳統小吃。休閒產業管理學刊,13(2),P.1-18。(區域地理學門評比第三名期刊)
  3. Pang, S.F.H., McKercher, B and Prideaux, B. (2013). Climate Change and Tourism: An Overview. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 18 (1-2), 4-20. (SSCI)
  4. McKercher, B., Prideaux, B. and Pang, S.F.H. (2012) Attitudes of tourism students to the environment and climate change. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 18 (1-2), 108-143. (SSCI)
  5. McKercher, B., Mackenzie, M., Prideaux, B. and Pang, S.F.H. (2012) Is the Hospitality and Tourism Curriculum Effective in Teaching Personal Social Responsibility? Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. Published online before print July 3, 2012. (SSCI)
  6. McKercher, B, Pang, S.F.H and Prideaux, B (2011). Do gender and nationality affect attitudes towards tourism and the environment? International Journal of Tourism Research 13(3), 266-300. (SSCI)


  1. P.J.Liu, F.H.Pang and J. S.Cheng(2021) The Visibility and Attractiveness of Coffee Beans Packaging Color Scheme. International Conference on Emerging Industry & Health Promotion. Puli, Taiwan.
  2. F. H. Pang (2019) Consumer Behavior Study in Taiwanese Whisky Market. 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference in HongKong
  3. Feng-hsien Pang (2018, Jul). Using Eye Tracking and Brainwave Technology to Understand the Importance of User Experiences & Emotions when Designing Travel Websites. Pan Asia International Tourism Conference, Seoul, Korea. MOST 105-2410-H-260-034. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者
  4.  Ya-Ting Chou, and Sharon F. H. Pang (2016, May). The Study of How E-facilities at Hotels Affect Behavioral Intention to Use. 14th APacCHRIE 2016 Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
  5. 卓誼潔、龎鳳嫺,(2014), 從食品安全論餐飲食品業者之企業倫理-以新月餐飲集團為例,南臺科技大學休閒事業管理系暨台灣休閒與遊憩學會聯合學術研討會。
  6. Ma, C., and Pang, S. (2013). An exploratory study of corporate social responsibility of travel agency website and consumers’ low carbon travel intention. Full paper in The 7th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, Taichung, Taiwan.
  7. Pang, S., and Qi, S. (2012). The lack of low carbon tourism information on travel agency websites: are we expecting too much from tourists? Full paper in APTA 2012, Taipei, 26th-29th June 2012 Hospitality &Tourism Education: New Tourism & New Waves.
  8. Qi, S., and Pang, S. (2012). Chinese consumers' online searching and sharing behavior. Full paper in APTA 2012, Taipei, 26th-29th June 2012 Hospitality &Tourism Education: New Tourism & New Waves.
  9. Pang, S.F.H, and Chon, K (2011). The Significance of Guanxi in Service Excellence in Asian Hospitality. Proceedings of the 9th APacCHRIE Conference 2011. June 2nd-5th, 2011 (concurrent session 5 paper number 11192), Kowloon, Hong Kong (USB).
  10. McKercher, B, McKenzie, M, Pang, S.F.H. and Prideaux, B (2011). Does the Tourism and Hospitality Curriculum Teach Personal Accountability? International Conference on Sustainable Development, Innovation and Education of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure. May 6th-7th, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan (Keynote speech).
  11. Pang, S.F.H., and McKercher, B. (2011). An Exploratory Study of Factors Influencing Hospitality and Tourism Students’ Willingness to act for Future Low Carbon Travel. International Conference of Tourism. April 27th- May 1th. 2011. Rhodes, Greece.
  12. Pang, S.F.H., and Li, J. L. (2010). Distance Decay Effect on International Tourism. Proceedings of Asia Tourism Forum 9th Biennial Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Asia 2010. May 7th-9th, 2010. Hualien, Taiwan (CD).
  13. Pang, S. F. H., and McKercher, B. (2010). Does Gender Affect Students' Perception in Global Climate Change? Proceedings of the 8th APacCHRIE Conference 2010. August 12th-14th, 2010 (concurrent session 5 pp. 89-99), Phuket, Thailand (CD).
  14. Pang, S. F. H., Lin, S. Y., Tormey, J., & Yoo, Y. J. (2009). The perception among students, educators, and practitioners in hotel and tourism education. Proceedings of the 8th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Student’s Research in Tourism and Hospitality, July 7-9, 2009 (pp. 481-490), Seoul, Korea, (CD).
  15. Lau, C., and Pang, S. F. H. (2009). Green Venues in Asia, In K. Chon (Ed.), Proceedings of International Convention and Expo Summit 2009 May 18-20, 2009 (pp. 21-30) , Hong Kong SAR, China (CD).
  16. Pang, S. F. H., and Lau, C. (2009). Examining the web marketing efforts of convention and exhibition centers in China, Proceedings of International Convention and Expo Summit 2009 May 18-20, 2009 (pp. 305-315), Hong Kong SAR, China (CD).
  17. Pang, F.H. & Petrick, J.F. (2008). Personalized destination website information for different groups. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference January 3-5, 2008 (pp. 960-966). Florida, USA (CD).


  • 2015,日月潭國家風景區管理處,交通部觀光局日月潭國家風景區104年度遊客服務產學合作案(計畫主持人)


  • 2020 歐陽霈霖, Z世代對職場期待之探索性研究-以酒店業為例 (109-2813-C-260-004-H,指導教授)
  • 2016 李芳儀, 從克里歐化探究消費者文化之文化適應與新環境典範-以暨大櫻花季為例 (105-2815-C-260-008-H,指導教授)
  • 2013 蔡雨衡, 低碳旅遊遊程設計之研究-以阿里山國家風景區地區為例 (101-2815-C-468-006-H,指導教授)
  • 2017 探究消費者使用台灣旅遊網站之閱讀歷程─以腦波眼動儀分析觀點 (105-2410-H-260 -034 -),計畫主持人,科技部專題研究計畫


  1. 國立台中教育大學,環境教育研究所,碩士學位論文口試委員(2020)。
  2. 台中市政府觀光委員會委員 (20207/1-迄今)
  3. 新北市文化局2015年藝術家地圖計畫審查委員
  4. 103學年度第一學期亞洲大學休閒遊憩管理學系碩專班學生口試委員
  5. 新北市文化主題活動計畫審查
  6. 日月潭形象商圈國際化訓練講師
  7. 集集休閒農業輔導計畫教育訓練講師
  8. 南投縣原鄉產業輔導行銷計劃教育訓練講師
  9. 大陸廈門南陽學院授課
  10. 彰化師範大學企業管理學系專題演講
  11. 大林休閒農業區輔導委員
  12. 槑休閒農業區輔導委員
  13. 通宵休閒農業區輔導委員
  14. 靜宜大學觀光事業學系研究生口試委員


  • SCAE歐洲精品咖啡協會感官證照初級
  • SCAE歐洲精品咖啡協會生豆證照初級
  • SCAE歐洲精品咖啡協會萃取證照初級
  • SCAE歐洲精品咖啡協會萃取證照中級
  • 亞洲大學103學年優良教學獎